{"id":857,"date":"2015-09-01T11:45:47","date_gmt":"2015-09-01T15:45:47","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/practicalmattersjournal.ecdsdev.org\/?page_id=857"},"modified":"2021-07-21T12:05:18","modified_gmt":"2021-07-21T16:05:18","slug":"editors","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/pmcleanup.ecdsdev.org\/editors\/","title":{"rendered":"Editorial Team"},"content":{"rendered":"

Practical Matters<\/em>\u00a0has established an\u00a0Editorial Board\u00a0of scholars and scholar-practitioners from many institutions, traditions, and methodological approaches who share our vision for innovative scholarship and new models of scholarly publishing. \u00a0Each issue is shaped by Emory faculty and doctoral students with particular expertise in the theme. \u00a0The day-to-day operations of the journal are handled by a\u00a0staff\u00a0of doctoral students in Emory\u2019s Graduate Division of Religion.\u00a0 Practical Matters<\/em>\u00a0is helping to establish new forms of scholarly communication that honor innovative models of research and teaching.\u00a0 As a collab\u00adorative enterprise involving both faculty and graduate students, the journal is also shaping the next generation of scholars.<\/p>\n

Practical Matters Editorial Board<\/h1>\n

Current Board Members<\/i><\/i><\/h3>


Elizabeth Bounds,<\/strong> Emory University
\nMary McClintock Fulkerson,<\/strong> Duke University
\nElaine Graham,<\/strong> University of Chester
\nAnna Grimshaw,<\/strong> Emory University
\nNathan Jennings,<\/strong> Seminary of the Southwest
\nKathryn Lofton,<\/strong> Yale University
\nThomas G. Long,\u00a0<\/strong>Emory University
\nCharles Marsh,<\/strong> University of Virginia
\nColleen McDannell,<\/strong> University of Utah
\nRobert Orsi,<\/strong> Northwestern University
\nDevaka Premawardhana,<\/strong> Emory University
\nRobert Prichard,<\/strong> Virginia Theological Seminary
\nLeigh Schmidt,<\/strong> Washington University in St. Louis
\nTed Smith,<\/strong>\u00a0Emory University
\nDavid H. Watt,<\/strong> Haverford College
\nTodd Whitmore,<\/strong> University of Notre Dame
\nLauren Winner,<\/strong> Duke University <\/p><\/div><\/div>\n

Practical Matters Editorial Staff<\/h1>\n

Issue 1: Imagination Spring 2009<\/i><\/i><\/h3>


Issue Editors:<\/strong> Courtney T. Goto and Amy Levad<\/p>\n

Managing Editors:<\/strong> Letitia M. Campbell and Donna S. Mote<\/p>\n

Production Editors:<\/strong> Howell Belser and Brendan Ozawa-de Silva<\/p>\n

Editors for Peer-Reviewed Content:<\/strong> David King and Katy Shrout<\/p>\n

Editors for Reviews:<\/strong> Samira Mehta and John Senior<\/p>\n

Copy Editors:<\/strong> Amy Levad and Robyn Neville<\/p>\n

Editorial Consultant:<\/strong> Joshua M. Thomas<\/p>\n

Faculty Consultants:<\/strong> Theodore Brelsford, Bobbi Patterson, and Don Saliers<\/p>\n


Issue 2: Youth, Fall 2009<\/i><\/i><\/h3>


Issue Editors:<\/strong> Joshua M. Thomas and Almeda Wright<\/p>\n

Managing Editors:<\/strong> Courtney T. Goto, Katy Shrout, Donna S. Mote (emer.), and Letitia M. Campbell (emer.)<\/p>\n

Production Editors:<\/strong> Jermaine McDonald and Howell Belser<\/p>\n

Layout & Design Editor:<\/strong> Jessica M. Smith<\/p>\n

Editors for Peer-Reviewed Content:<\/strong> David King and Samira Mehta<\/p>\n

Editors for Reviews:<\/strong> John Senior and Haemin Lee<\/p>\n

Copy Editors:<\/strong> Matthew Bersagel Braley and Amy Levad<\/p>\n

Faculty Consultants:<\/strong> Elizabeth Corrie and Carol Lakey Hess<\/p><\/div><\/div>\n

Issue 3: Ethnography and Theology, Spring 2010<\/i><\/i><\/h3>


Issue Editors:<\/strong> Lerone Martin and Luke Whitmore<\/p>\n

Managing Editors:<\/strong> Courtney T. Goto and Katy Shrout<\/p>\n

Production Editor:<\/strong> Jermaine McDonald<\/p>\n

Layout & Design Editor:<\/strong> Jessica M. Smith<\/p>\n

Editors for Peer-Reviewed Content:<\/strong> David King and Samira Mehta<\/p>\n

Editors for Reviews:<\/strong> Haemin Lee<\/p>\n

Copy Editors:<\/strong> Matthew Bersagel Braley<\/p>\n

Faculty Consultants:<\/strong> Joyce Burkhalter Flueckiger, Dianne Stewart Diakit\u00e9, and Don E. Seeman<\/p>\n


Issue 4: Religion, Health, and Healing, Spring 2011<\/i><\/i><\/h3>


Issue Editors:<\/strong> Annie Hardison-Moody and Jessica M. Smith<\/p>\n

Managing Editors:<\/strong> John E. Senior, Samira Mehta, Katy Shrout (emeritus)<\/p>\n

Production Editor:<\/strong> Jermaine M. McDonald<\/p>\n

Layout & Design Editor:<\/strong> Jessica M. Smith<\/p>\n

Editors for Peer-Reviewed Content:<\/strong> Samira Mehta and James W. McCarty, III<\/p>\n

Editor for Reviews:<\/strong> William Yoo<\/p>\n

Copy\u00a0Editor:<\/strong> Adam Ployd<\/p>\n

Faculty\u00a0Consultants:<\/strong> Gary Laderman, Thomas G. Long, and Joyce Burkhalter Flueckiger<\/p>\n


Issue 5: Violence and Peace, Spring 2012<\/i><\/i><\/h3>


Issue Editors:<\/strong> James W. McCarty III and Joseph Wiinikka-Lydon<\/p>\n

Managing Editors:<\/strong> Jessica M. Smith and Jermaine M. McDonald<\/p>\n

Layout & Design Editor:<\/strong> Jacob D. Myers<\/p>\n

Editor for Reviews:<\/strong> William Yoo<\/p>\n

Faculty Consultants:<\/strong> Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im, Tara Doyle, Ellen Ott Marshall, Edward L. Queen II, and Pamela Scully<\/p><\/div><\/div>\n

Issue 6: Engaging Religious Experience, Spring 2013<\/i><\/i><\/h3>


Issue Editors:<\/strong> Susannah Laramee Kidd and Rebecca Spurrier<\/p>\n

Managing Editors:<\/strong> Jermaine M. McDonald and William Yoo<\/p>\n

Layout & Design Editor:<\/strong> Jacob D. Myers<\/p>\n

Social Media Editor:<\/strong> Mark A. Jefferson<\/p>\n

Faculty Consultants:<\/strong> Bobbi Patterson, Don Seeman, and Ted A. Smith<\/p><\/div><\/div>\n

Issue 7: Worship, Ritual, and Theory, Spring 2014<\/i><\/i><\/h3>


Issue Editor:<\/strong> Jacob D. Myers<\/p>\n

Managing Editors:<\/strong> Jacob D. Myers Matthew Pierce<\/p>\n

Production\u00a0Editor:<\/strong> Layla Karst<\/p>\n

Reviews Editor:<\/strong> Kristyn Sessions<\/p>\n

Submissions Editor:<\/strong> Sara Williams<\/p><\/div><\/div>\n

Issue 8: Worship, Ritual, and Theory, Fall 2015<\/i><\/i><\/h3>


Issue Editor:<\/strong> Matthew Pierce<\/p>\n

Managing Editor:<\/strong> Matthew Pierce<\/p>\n

Production Editor:<\/strong> Layla Karst<\/p>\n

Reviews Editor:<\/strong> Kristyn Sessions<\/p>\n

Submissions Editor:<\/strong> Sara Williams<\/p>\n

Faculty Advisor:<\/strong> L. Edward Phillips<\/p><\/div><\/div>\n

Issue 9: Sacred Places, Sacred Journeys, Spring 2016<\/i><\/i><\/h3>


Issue Editors:<\/strong>\u00a0Layla Karst and Sara Williams<\/p>\n

Managing Editor:<\/strong> Matthew Pierce<\/p>\n

Reviews Editors:<\/strong> Kristyn Sessions and Lisa Portilla<\/p>\n

Assistant\u00a0Editor:<\/strong>\u00a0David Cho<\/p>\n

Faculty Advisor:<\/strong> L. Edward Phillips<\/p><\/div><\/div>\n

Issue 10: Wealth, Poverty, and Practice, Spring 2017<\/i><\/i><\/h3>


Issue Editor:<\/strong>\u00a0Kristyn Sessions<\/p>\n

Managing Editor:<\/strong>\u00a0Layla Karst<\/p>\n

Reviews Editor:<\/strong>\u00a0Lisa Portilla<\/p>\n

Assistant\u00a0Editors:<\/strong>\u00a0David Cho and Cara Curtis<\/p>\n

Faculty Advisor:<\/strong>\u00a0Elizabeth M.\u00a0Bounds\u00a0<\/p><\/div><\/div>\n

Issue 11: Migrations, Spring 2018<\/i><\/i><\/h3>


Issue Editor:<\/strong>\u00a0David Cho<\/p>\n

Managing Editor:<\/strong>\u00a0Lisa Portilla<\/p>\n

Reviews Editor:<\/strong>\u00a0Cara Curtis<\/p>\n

Assistant\u00a0Editors:<\/strong>\u00a0Keith A. Menhinick and Palak Taneja<\/p>\n

Faculty Advisor:<\/strong> Jehu Hanciles <\/p><\/div><\/div>\n

Issue 12: Revolutions and Re-Imaginations, Spring 2019<\/i><\/i><\/h3>


Issue Editor:<\/strong>\u00a0Cara Curtis<\/p>\n

Managing Editor:<\/strong>\u00a0Lisa Portilla<\/p>\n

Reviews Editor:<\/strong>\u00a0Keith A. Menhinick<\/p>\n

Assistant Editors:<\/strong> Palak Taneja and Chelsea Mak <\/p><\/div><\/div>\n

Issue 13: Love, Spring 2020<\/i><\/i><\/h3>


Issue Editor:<\/strong> Palak Taneja<\/p>\n

Managing Editor:<\/strong> Cara Curtis<\/p>\n

Reviews Editors:<\/strong> Chelsea Mak and Keith A. Menhinick<\/p>\n

Assistant Editor:<\/strong> Mujahid Osman <\/p><\/div><\/div>\n

Issue 14: Exclusion, Belonging, and Becoming, Spring 2021<\/i><\/i><\/h3>


Issue Editor:<\/strong> Keith A. Menhinick<\/p>\n

Managing Editors:<\/strong> Cara Curtis, Keith A. Menhinick<\/p>\n

Reviews Editors:<\/strong> Mujahid Osman<\/p>\n

Assistant Editor:<\/strong> Palak Taneja and Chelsea Mak <\/p><\/div><\/div>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

Practical Matters\u00a0has established an\u00a0Editorial Board\u00a0of scholars and scholar-practitioners from many institutions, traditions, and methodological approaches who share our vision for innovative scholarship and new models of scholarly publishing. \u00a0Each issue is shaped by Emory faculty and doctoral students with particular<\/p>\n