{"id":1400,"date":"2009-10-01T00:01:46","date_gmt":"2009-10-01T04:01:46","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/practicalmattersjournal.ecdsdev.org\/?p=1400"},"modified":"2016-06-21T12:53:01","modified_gmt":"2016-06-21T16:53:01","slug":"visions-of-ezekiel","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/pmcleanup.ecdsdev.org\/2009\/10\/01\/visions-of-ezekiel\/","title":{"rendered":"Visions of Ezekiel: A Documentary Film"},"content":{"rendered":"

About the Film<\/h3>\n

This twelve-minute documentary examines how the practice of the visual arts can involve the\u00a0religious identities of young people. In this film, created for Practical Matters by independent documentary filmmaker Sonia Narang, an Indian Jewish visual artist works with a group of high school students at the SAR Academy, a modern Orthodox day school in New York City.<\/p>\n

As artist-in-residence, Siona Benjamin is creating an exquisite Torah Ark for the school. She asks high school students to create their own artwork based on the prophet Ezekiel’s vision,\u00a0from the first chapter of Ezekiel in the Hebrew Bible.<\/p>\n

Image by Sonia Narang. Sonia Benjamin, Artist-in-Residence at the SAR Academy in New York City.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

As the students create their own paintings and drawings and assist Benjamin with her Torah Ark, they reflect on Jewish identity, their personal aspirations, and why they consider it important to attend an all-Jewish school.<\/p>\n

The artist,\u00a0Siona Benjamin<\/a>, is a Bombay-born Jew, a descendent of the centuries-old\u00a0Bene Israel community<\/a>\u00a0in western India. Her work explicitly treats Jewish themes, and especially explores what it means to be a international Jewish woman of color. The school,\u00a0SAR Academy<\/a>, is a private Orthodox day school in the Bronx.<\/p>\n


Visions of Ezekiel<\/h3>\n