In 1978, Victor and Edith Turner published their groundbreaking work Image and Pilgrimage in Christian Culture.<\/em> Grounded in Victor Turner\u2019s theories of symbolic anthropology, this text offered one of the first comprehensive theories of Christian pilgrim practice. The Turners\u2019 work launched the subfield of Pilgrimage Studies. Coining the phrase, \u201cthe center out there\u201d to describe the sacred locale that ordered the pilgrim\u2019s journey, the Turners\u2019 opened the door to conversations among anthropologists and sociologists about the intersection of sacred spaces and sacred journeys. In the host of monographs and articles that have followed this work, scholars have both lauded and criticized the Turners\u2019 theories and conclusions. But nearly forty years later, their work continues to shape and direct regular inquires into practices of place and pilgrimage around the world.<\/p>\n What is less often observed, but equally remarkable, is the way this work of anthropology is embedded in the personal religious commitments and experiences of Victor and Edith Turner. Their now well-known fieldwork among the Ndembu people of West Africa sparked not only new anthropological theories but a sense of the sacred in the anthropologists themselves. Struggling to settle back into their western home, the Turners searched for a way to continue their fieldwork on lived religion and took to attending various local religious communities. Eventually, they fell in love with the symbolic world they encountered in a local Catholic church\u2014both in the space and in the liturgy.<\/p>\n