
Don E. Saliers, Joyce Burkhalter Flueckiger, Dianne Stewart Diakité, and Don E. Seeman

Ethnography and Theology: A Critical Roundtable Discussion


Download PDF: Ethnography and Theology Roundtable In the spring of 2009, Practical Matters, with the assistance of the Initiative in Religious Practices & Practical Theology, held a consultation in Atlanta on the theme of “Ethnography and Theology.” This consultation illustrated the extent

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Listening to Experience, Looking Towards Flourishing: Ethnography as a Global Feminist Theo/Ethical Praxis


Download PDF: Listening to Experience Introduction: Ethnography as Global Feminist Praxis Ivory towers are tempting. We know our way around the lecture rooms and libraries. Ivory towers keep us busy-there are classes to teach, articles to write, tenure applications to

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Hearing the Faithful: A Classroom Syllabus

Fountain Pen and Journal

This syllabus, designed by David Mellott for students at Lancaster Theological Seminary, is included here as a resource for those interested in the pedagogical issues involved in introducing theology students to ethnographic practices. Click to download Hearing the Faithful. Feature

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Annotated Bibliography of Work in Ethnography and Theology

Open books laid out on table

  Download PDF: Coleman, Annotated Bibliography This interactive annotated bibliography includes books and films relevant to religion and ethnography, with a particular focus on titles published and produced since 2000. Entries include suggestions about who is likely to benefit most from

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The Manga Bible: From Genesis to Revelation

Download PDF: RV Fabisiak, The Manga Bible By Siku London: Doubleday, 2007. 224 pages. $12.95. A number of popular web- and print-based versions of the Bible have emerged recently. The Bible Illuminated, for example, is a glossy Bible designed to

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Theological Reflection: Methods

Download PDF: RV Snyder, Theological Reflection By Elaine Graham, Heather Wilson, and Frances Ward London: SCM Press, 2005. 247 pages. $34.99 What is theological reflection? How can I relate life to theology, and theology to life? What is practical theology? In

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