
Carol Benz Scott

Living Christianity: A Pastoral Theology for Today

Download PDF:  RV Scott Living Christianity By Shannon Craigo-Snell and Shawnthea Monroe Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2009. 194 pages. $22.00.   In Living Christianity Professor Shannon Craigo-Snell and Pastor Shawnthea Monroe team up to offer a theological conversation on five distinct topics

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The Adventists

Download PDF:  The Adventists By Martin Doblmeier. Journey Films, 2010. $19.95. Members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church live as much as ten years longer than other Americans; it is a statistic startling enough to attract the attention of journalists and

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This film is a daughter’s exploration of her father’s early encounter with Zen meditation. Along with universal life lessons, she discovers the unforeseeable effects her father’s past has had on her family’s struggles with illness. Photo by joostbaptiste, CC0 Public

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Using Dissonant Narratives: A Reflection on Teaching Theology and Medicine

Download PDF: Harris, Pederson, and Schellinger Introductions Who we are Ann Pederson, PhD Professor of Religion, Augustana College; Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Neurosciences, Section of Ethics and Humanities, Sanford School of Medicine at the University of South Dakota. Mary

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Meditation for Health

Download PDF: Banks Description of the Course Empirical Basis Respondents to the 2009 National College Health Assessment1 report that the top issues affecting academic performance include stress, depression, anxiety, inadequate sleep, worry, and colds/flu, among other health problems. In numerous

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An Education of Heart and Mind: Issues in Teaching Cognitive-Based Compassion Training to Children

Download PDF: de Silva and Dodson_Lavelle ABSTRACT Despite rapidly rising interest in meditation and contemplative practices, the majority of scientific research thus far has focused on mindfulness-based practices within a standard biomedical framework, neglecting more analytical forms of contemplative practice and

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