

Evangelical Faith at Work: Resistance as Obedience

Download PDF: Estey, Evangelical Faith At Work Abstract Protestant Christian evangelical practice and theology provides resources for resistance to labor exploitation. Black evangelical union members in Moncure, North Carolina demonstrate through a nine month strike against their plywood plant how

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The Juvenilization of American Christianity

Download PDF: Smith, Juvenilization By Thomas Bergler Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2012. 291 pages. $25.00. In early January 2013, sixty thousand young people ages 18–25 attended “Passion,” a four-day conference in Atlanta, GA full of concerts, speakers, and local charity drives.

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Doing Religious Studies Dialogically

Silhouette of People Talking

Download PDF: Bielo, Doing Religious Studies Dialogically * Editors’ Note: This essay is part of the Roundtable on Ethnography and Religion. As a die-hard ethnographer, I could not be more sympathetic with the kind of religious studies Robert Orsi articulates. The

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