
Pastoral Theology

Christian Theology in Practice: Discovering a Discipline

Book Cover of Christian Theology in Practice

Download PDF: RV Daniels, Christian Theology in Practice Bonnie J. Miller-McLemore Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2012. 334 pages. $34.00 In Christian Theology in Practice: Discovering a Discipline, Bonnie Miller-McLemore offers a collection of her work in the fields of practical and pastoral

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Living Christianity: A Pastoral Theology for Today

Download PDF:  RV Scott Living Christianity By Shannon Craigo-Snell and Shawnthea Monroe Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2009. 194 pages. $22.00.   In Living Christianity Professor Shannon Craigo-Snell and Pastor Shawnthea Monroe team up to offer a theological conversation on five distinct topics

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