Download PDF: RV Grace, Be Still and Know By Norris J. Chumley Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2014. 156 pages. $29.00. “If ever there was a need for peace, the time is now” (79). Simultaneous to the writing of this book, the author

Download PDF: RV Grace, Be Still and Know By Norris J. Chumley Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2014. 156 pages. $29.00. “If ever there was a need for peace, the time is now” (79). Simultaneous to the writing of this book, the author
Download PDF: Exploring Conflict and Peacebuilding Exploring World Religions through the Lens of Sacred Space “Sacred Space in World Religions” is a course taught at Candler School of Theology as a summer intensive. In it, we take advantage of the
“Good Coffee” is the first-person story of Ethiopian civil war refugee Keleme Bayu. In this documentary, we witness one example of the often resilient power of hope in the lives of those affected by mass violence. Ms. Bayu is no
Download PDF: Mingo, Restoring Rosewood Abstract1 January 1, 1923, marked the beginning of a massacre that abolished the small, predominantly Black town of Rosewood, Florida, following an alleged rape of a young White woman. Rosewood is a story of physical, emotional,
Download PDF: The Crossroads of Religion, Violence, and Peace We welcome you to the fifth issue of Practical Matters. This issue is dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of the ways that religion and religious practices contribute to both violence and peace.
Download PDF: Teaching Overcoming Violence Editor’s Note: The following reflection is based on the authors’ experiences teaching a collaborative course entitled, “Overcoming Violence”. The syllabus and supplemental materials for this course can be downloaded here. The Decline of Violence? By the recent
Download PDF: Appleby, Religious Violence Abstract The literature on religious violence is contested to such a degree that one is uncertain what to call the field of study. This essay argues that there is such a thing as religion and
[S]ince war begins in the minds of men [humans], it is in the minds of men [humans] that defenses of peace must be constructed. This quote prominently embedded in the UNESCO Constitution is certainly not an original thought. It is
Download PDF: Wasserfall, Eating Together Abstract 1 The International Summer School on Religion and Public Life (ISSRPL) annually brings people from different religions to experiment and explore how to live together with difference. This article examines one aspect of the ISSRPL—how we
Download PDF: Rogers, Compassion-Based Practices Abstract After describing those components that encompass the essence of compassion, this article explores compassion-based methods of personal healing and restoration rooted in Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) and contemplative practice; it describes the role and
Download PDF: Curtis, Perils of Public Scholarship Abstract This paper examines the challenges of public scholarship on religion and Islam in the post-9/11 era. The first section, which focuses on Stephen Prothero’s introduction of Islam in God Is Not One, identifies a
Download PDF: Machinga, Grassroots Healing Abstract This paper is a reflection on a group of healing and reconciliation activities collectively called RECORE. These activities are being implemented at the grassroots level in one district of Manicaland Province, Zimbabwe. RECORE encompasses healing
In his book, War and the American Difference: Theological Reflections on Violence and National Identity (Baker Academic 2011), Christian ethicist Stanley Hauerwas argues that war is one moral experience that all Americans in the United States1share. It is “the glue that gives
“Peace for All” is a video ethnography that documents the activities at a “shared shrine” in Macedonia on St. George’s Day. The shrine is shared by Orthodox Christians and various Muslim denominations to celebrate the birth of their respective saints,
There are few places in the world so closely identified with religion and violence as Israel and the Palestinian Territories. Yet just as elements of each of the world’s three monotheistic religions have historically committed great episodes of violence in
Download PDF: RV Serrán-Pagán, The Origins of War By Matthew A. Shadle Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2011. 256 pages. $29.95. Matthew A. Shadle raises an important question sometimes overlooked by contemporary Catholic thinkers, namely, the origins of war. Why do
Download PDF: Omer, Religious Peacebuilding Abstract Most of what takes place in the field of religious peacebuilding has been grounded, implicitly or explicitly, in Scott Appleby’s The Ambivalence of the Sacred: Religion, Violence, and Reconciliation (2000) and his phenomenological approach to religion.
Download PDF: Resources in Religion, Violence, and Peacebuilding Introduction The amount of literature that could be included in a bibliography on religion, violence, and peacebuilding is vast and attempting to delineate the nuances between each thinker and theory in our allotted