


Microaggressions as Violence

Students in a classroom

Download PDF: Hamilton, Microaggressions as Violence Abstract The most common critique levelled against the concept of microaggressions is that it involves a dangerous exaggeration, treating simple mistakes or miscommunications as acts of violence. I argue in this essay that microaggressions

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Writing “the Truth”

Download PDF: Jordan, Writing The Truth * Editors’ Note: This essay is part of the Roundtable on Ethnography and Religion. Robert Orsi makes the proposal-at once extravagant and astute-that all graduate students of religion be required to enter into “a

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Good Coffee


“Good Coffee” is the first-person story of Ethiopian civil war refugee Keleme Bayu. In this documentary, we witness one example of the often resilient power of hope in the lives of those affected by mass violence. Ms. Bayu is no

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Restoring Rosewood: Movements from Pain to Power to Peace

Photograph of Burnt Palms by Rachel Lee

Download PDF: Mingo, Restoring Rosewood  Abstract1 January 1, 1923, marked the beginning of a massacre that abolished the small, predominantly Black town of Rosewood, Florida, following an alleged rape of a young White woman. Rosewood is a story of physical, emotional,

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Teaching ‘Overcoming Violence’: Reflections on Violence, Peace, and Practical Theology

Photograph by Kevin Dooley.

Download PDF: Teaching Overcoming Violence Editor’s Note: The following reflection is based on the authors’ experiences teaching a collaborative course entitled, “Overcoming Violence”. The syllabus and supplemental materials for this course can be downloaded here. The Decline of Violence? By the recent

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Violence and New Religious Movements

Download PDF: RV Smith, Violence and New Religious Movements Edited by James R. Lewis New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. 456 pages. $35.00 Arguably, it is difficult to imagine the serious study of New Religious Movement (NRMs) without the contributions of

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Compassion-Based Practices of Personal and Social Restoration

Photograph of Meditating Protesters

Download PDF: Rogers, Compassion-Based Practices  Abstract After describing those components that encompass the essence of compassion, this article explores compassion-based methods of personal healing and restoration rooted in Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) and contemplative practice; it describes the role and

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The Perils of Public Scholarship on Islam after 9/11

Photograph by David Shankbone.

Download PDF: Curtis, Perils of Public Scholarship Abstract This paper examines the challenges of public scholarship on religion and Islam in the post-9/11 era. The first section, which focuses on Stephen Prothero’s introduction of Islam in God Is Not One, identifies a

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Buddhist Warfare

Download PDF: RV Whitaker, Buddhist Warfare By Michael K. Jerryson and Mark Juergensmeyer New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. 272 pages. $29.95 According to Michael Jerryson, one of the two editors of this important work, the main reason for writing

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