[S]ince war begins in the minds of men [humans], it is in the minds of men [humans] that defenses of peace must be constructed. This quote prominently embedded in the UNESCO Constitution is certainly not an original thought. It is

[S]ince war begins in the minds of men [humans], it is in the minds of men [humans] that defenses of peace must be constructed. This quote prominently embedded in the UNESCO Constitution is certainly not an original thought. It is
Download PDF: RV Whitaker, Buddhist Warfare By Michael K. Jerryson and Mark Juergensmeyer New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. 272 pages. $29.95 According to Michael Jerryson, one of the two editors of this important work, the main reason for writing
In his book, War and the American Difference: Theological Reflections on Violence and National Identity (Baker Academic 2011), Christian ethicist Stanley Hauerwas argues that war is one moral experience that all Americans in the United States1share. It is “the glue that gives
Download PDF: RV Serrán-Pagán, The Origins of War By Matthew A. Shadle Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2011. 256 pages. $29.95. Matthew A. Shadle raises an important question sometimes overlooked by contemporary Catholic thinkers, namely, the origins of war. Why do
Download PDF: Whitmore, Genocide or Just Another Editor’s Note (December 22, 2010): Dr. Todd Whitmore of the University of Notre Dame published his peer-reviewed article “‘If They Kill Us, At Least Others Will Have More Time to Get Away’: The Ethics
Download PDF: Whitmore, Genocide or Just Another Editor’s Note (December 22, 2010): Dr. Todd Whitmore of the University of Notre Dame published his peer-reviewed article “‘If They Kill Us, At Least Others Will Have More Time to Get Away’: The Ethics of
Download PDF: Whitmore, Genocide or Just Another Editor’s Note (December 22, 2010): Dr. Todd Whitmore of the University of Notre Dame published his peer-reviewed article “‘If They Kill Us, At Least Others Will Have More Time to Get Away’: The Ethics of
Download PDF: Whitmore, Genocide or Just Another Editor’s Note (December 22, 2010): Dr. Todd Whitmore of the University of Notre Dame published his peer-reviewed article “‘If They Kill Us, At Least Others Will Have More Time to Get Away’: The Ethics of
Download PDF: Whitmore, Genocide or Just Another Editor’s Note (December 22, 2010): Dr. Todd Whitmore of the University of Notre Dame published his peer-reviewed article “‘If They Kill Us, At Least Others Will Have More Time to Get Away’: The