
world Christianity

Faith in Flux: Pentecostalism and Mobility in Rural Mozambique

Download PDF: Kim RV, Faith in Flux By Devaka PremawardhanaPhiladelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018. 232 pages. $49.95. The spread of Christianity worldwide during the twenty-first century cannot be discussed without the success of Pentecostalism. While the heavy presence of

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The Presbyterian Mission Enterprise: From Heathen to Partner

Cover of the Book

Download PDF: RV Weingartner, The Presbyterian Mission Enterprise Review By Mark J. Englund-Krieger Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 2015. 224 pages. $27.00. While not a book written for scholars, The Presbyterian Mission Enterprise: From Heathen to Partner is a well-researched, well-written, and helpful

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Clouds of Witnesses: Christian Voices from Africa and Asia

Download PDF: Yoo, Clouds of Witnesses Mark A. Noll and Carolyn Nystrom Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Books, 2011. 300 pages. $25.00. In 1915, the Missionary Education Movement of the United States and Canada published Comrades in Service, a book that contained biographical

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